About Our Markets
DeVAC aluminum windows are primarily used in commercial buildings, such as college and university dormitories, classrooms, administrative facilities; public and private elementary and secondary schools; hospitals; hotels; federal, state and local government facilities; and office buildings. DeVAC aluminum windows are also used in residential homes, condominiums, apartments and townhouses that require high performance air, water, structural and/or acoustical standards.
Mon-Ray storm windows and Mon-Ray storm doors are installed either to the exterior or interior of prime windows and doors in both residential and commercial buildings. They are also referred as ‘secondary glazing” windows and doors. Mon-Ray storm windows and doors have been installed in residential homes, apartments, schools, hotels, and other buildings throughout the United States, saving the owners millions of dollars by conserving energy and reducing maintenance expenses. In more recent years, tens of thousands of Mon-Ray acoustically rated storm windows and storm doors have been installed as part of sound insulation projects near major U.S. airports, highways and railroads.
Glasswalls® porch enclosure window units are primarily used in residential homes, but are also used in commercial buildings that require a room with a floor to ceiling glass and screen enclosure. Glasswalls enclosures protect furniture, flooring and other room decors from the outside elements and insects while providing all the benefits of a panoramic view and natural ventilation offered in a floor-to-ceiling glass and screen porch enclosure.

Mon-Ray, Inc., 7900 Excelsior Blvd., Ste. 140, Minneapolis, MN 55343-3454
(800) 544-3646 • fax (763) 546-8977 • info@monray.com